1. Plenary- Daryl Jones (Australia), Electron spectroscopies for probing electronic structure and collision dynamics
- James Sullivan (Australia), Experiments with positrons - from fundamental to applied science
- Sergio Diaz-Tendero (Spain), Ultrafast Dynamics of Ionized Molecules and Molecular Clusters in The Gas Phase
- Jorn Bonse (Germany), Laser-induced periodic surface structures: mechanisms, applications, and unsolved problems
- Sven Thorwirth (Germany), Action-spectroscopic studies of transient carbon-rich (astronomical) molecules
- Marie-Lise Dubernet (France), Towards a Global Network for Laboratory Astrophysics Activities and Data
- Ryo Ono (Japan), Measurement and simulation of atmospheric-pressure streamer discharge
- Lawrence Overzet (USA), Measurements of RF Plasma Re-Ignition: RF-IV and PROES
- Bozena Czerny (Poland), Dusty Plasma in Active Galactic Nuclei
2. Topical invited
- Aranka Derzsi (Hungary), Surface processes in low-pressure capacitively coupled plasmas
- María Teresa Belmonte Sainz-Ezquerra (Spain), What can plasma spectroscopy do for astronomers? Measuring Atomic Parameters of Astrophysical Importance
- Joel Rosato (France), Line shape modeling for magnetic fusion and astrophysical plasmas: an overview of recent result
- Nicolina Pop (Romania), Dissociative recombination and excitation of molecular cations by electron-impact in cold plasmas: Application to H2+ , BeH+ and their isotopomers
- Lucas Schwob (Germany), X-ray action spectroscopy of gas-phase biomolecular ions
- Nathan Garland (Australia), When fusion plasmas get cool: A need for more atomic physics in classical fusion models
- Teodora Velcheva Kirova (Latvia), Numerical investigations of the impact of the magnetic field of radiation on amino acids
- Gregory Boyle (Australia), Thermalisation time of electron swarms in Noble gases for uniform electric fields
- Minna Patanen (Finland), Electron-ion coincidence experiments with electron and photon ionization
- Stojan Madzunkov (USA), Utillization of Electric Dipole Fields in protection from GCR and SEPs
- Vasco Guerra (Portugal), Coupled kinetics in CO2-N2 plasmas
- Jiri Limpouch (Czech Republic), High-power laser interactions with low density porous materials and their applications
- Pavel Dvořák (Czech Republic), Higher Harmonic Frequencies of Discharge Voltage And Current In Capacitively Coupled Discharges
- Stéphane Béchu (France), Investigation of the ro-vibrational levels of H2/D2 molecules by VUV-absorption spectroscopy for the production of H-/D- negative ions for fusion application
- Mikhail Pinchuk (Russia), Control of guided streamer propagation and interaction with substrate in helium atmospheric pressure plasma jet
- Saša Dujko (Serbia), Electron transport, transient plasmas and high-energy phenomena in planetary atmospheres
- Djordje Spasojević (Serbia), On the application of iterative kinetic model for diagnostics of abnormal glow discharges in noble gases
- Mohammed Koubiti (France), Application of Machine-Learning to Spectroscopic Line Emission By Hydrogen Isotopes in Fusion Devices for Isotopic Determination and Prediction
3. Progress Reports
- Milan Ignjatovic (Serbia), The influence of corona discharge on the lightning surge propagation along the transmission lines
- Leo Sala (Czech Republic), Interaction of ionizing radiation with DNA nanostructures
- Violeta N. Nikolic (Serbia), Spectroscopic investigation of the influence of NO3- anions on the crystallization of the SiO2 matrix
- Danilo Delibasic (Serbia), Relative importance of the electron continuum intermediate state in single-electron capture into any state of fast protons from helium-like atomic systems.
- Milena Jovanovic (Serbia), Matter distribution in nearby galaxies
- Viktor Radovic (Serbia), Development of a time-domain pipeline for detecting binary supermassive black holes in the upcoming Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST)
- Amit Kumar (Serbia), Design, development and characterization of atmospheric plasma system for wastewater treatment
- Nenad Selaković (Serbia), Mass spectrometry of plasma jet and applications of electrical discharges operating at atmospheric pressure in biomedicine
- Smita Omkarnath Ganguly (Sweden), Fragmentation of core-ionized adamantane molecule
- Marija Puač (Sebia), Modeling of radio frequency breakdown by Monte Carlo technique
- Dejan Dojić (Serbia), Measurements of continuous optical spectrum during nanosecond laser pulse interaction with metallic target
- Milica Vasiljević (Serbia), Determination of the electric field strength in glow discharges using argon spectral lines.
- Thomas Salomon (Germany), Recent Progress on Action Spectroscopy of loosely bound Hydrogen-Helium complexes
- Milivoje Hadžijojić (Serbia), Study of two dimensional crystals by rainbow scattering effect
- Nikola Starčević (Serbia), Ion-crystal rainbow interaction potential in channeling
- Jovan Ciganović (Serbia), Action of Pulsed Lasers on Titanium Target: Surface effects
- Madhusree Roy Chowdhury (France), VUV Photoionization and Fragmentation of cyano-PAHs
- N. Bezuglov (Russia), Analysis of Adiabatic Processes in Multilevel N-Pod Quantum Systems from The Perspective of Riemannian Geometry
- Dušan Popović (Serbia), Picosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation of Silicon Single Crystal
- Antonios Antoniou (Greece), Describing the Mathematical Methods for Calculating Basic Physical Parameters of the Gaussian-Rotational (Gr) Model
- Swayamtrupta Panda (Brazil), Modelling Continuum Anisotropy and Super Eddington Accreting Quasar Spectra