For all conference participants Technical Organizer PanaComp offers accommodation in some of the best Belgrade hotels by reduced prices. All hotels are situated in Belgrade city center. Book your accommodation using the form given below.
All rates are per room per night and are including breakfast, local tax, insurance and VAT. Any extra charges for mini-bar, telephone, room service, etc. should be payed at the hotel directly.
Hotel Majestic Beograd****, Obilićev Venac 28
web page
Google map
Price: single room (standard) 75 €, double/twin room 95 €
The hotel is located in the city centre close to the conference site
Hotel Le Petit Piaf****, Skadarska 34
web page
Google map
Price: single room 55 €, double/twin room 65 €
Hotel located in the hart of bohemian quarter of Belgrade, within walking distance to the conference site
Envoy****, Čika Ljubina 13
web page
Google map
Price: single room 97 €, double/twin room 114 €
Located within the pedestrian zone of central Belgrade, the hotel is very close to the conference site.
All cancellations for hotels must be sent to Pana Comp-zemlja cuda d.o.o. in written form (fax: +381 21 466076 or e-mail: mice@panacomp.net).
For cancellations received until Friday, 1st of August 2018, deposits will be refunded less 40 € for administrative costs. After this date, no refund will be possible.